ASAHI SHIMBUN false report

● 5. lequel a placé un article (38) qui a demandé des excuses et une correction d'un éditeur et moi pour le rapport qui l'espoir de la diffusion urgent. Asahi Shimbun (l'édition du matin de l'août) a été placé dans la question d'inspection de la femme de la charité, correction, article de l'annulation et magajine "SAPIO"
■ The hot summer when it depended on waiting came over. The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the issue of charity dame was the great false report of the century. The Asahi Shimbun has not yet apologized to the nation by this article in spite of it either.
As for the false report of the charity dame problem that the Asahi Shimbun reported for these more than 20 years, several hundred times of the STAP cell diminished the national nation and must begin what at first the Asahi Shimbun performs because the person in charge who included the reporter who wrote the article of the charity dame problem in the 1990s and the alumnus of a section related to kneels on the ground in knee soul to gravel of Yasukuni shrine.
Because it was in a situation that I can restore reputation of our country at a stroke in cooperation with awoken Internet users, this article prays for what is scattered by the nation that there is good sense of the whole country eagerly.
The Asahi Shimbun (the August 5 morning edition) placed inspection and a correction, features about the issue of charity dame "answered the question of the reader how you conveyed the issue of charity dame" and the cancellation of the article. If "the testimony that Yoshida took a charity dame to in Jeju Island is false, judge it, and cancel an article", "the document which the militaries took like kidnapping systematically is not found" in that; canceled it with the correction of an article past totally, "the girl volunteer corps pointed to "the girl work volunteer corps" which mobilized a woman in the munitions factories under the wartime, and was different from a charity dame at all". It is disqualification as the mass media to have taken more than 20 years until this inspection. If it is the proper media, it is the usual way to cancel a correction and the article within one month after having a mistake pointed out by an expert. I reflect on the Asahi Shimbun not making the body of the newspaper publisher deeply, and it is necessary I cease to publish it once, and to come again.
Still, the severest "weekly new tide" which it criticized does final proofreading for the Asahi Shimbun, and it is the timing when it does not think accidentally by chance to have placed an inspection article on Tuesday on the next day when I entered in Bon vacation that it is temporizing. I resemble closely with an entertainer setting an inconvenient press conference at the end of the year New Year holidays ago and am laughable.
■ Pour un article de la femme de la charité de l'Asahi Shimbun conventionnel, comme pour la question de. "femme de la charité, la critique sans fondement être un faux de l'Asahi Shimbun est avec un côté aujourd'hui. lequel améliore … C'est lorsque la lumière avait commencé à être la question de. femme de la charité que je défends, et un article de l'inspection commence. et pour. où j'ai assumé une attitude provocante, et l'étude n'est pas entrée devant à travers l'article passé dans le début des années 90s The Asahi Shimbun does not seem to be able to yet understand that I am in the edge of a precipice.
The Asahi Shimbun does an excuse to cause an amateur group and misunderstanding not a professional group, there is it with "making that it is not a fact like a fact with Koujien by "a forgery", and saying", and is it not the "charity dame article" thing that the conventional Asahi Shimbun reported? Will talk about it to be a bad loser.
