
Yuriko Koike, Japan's former defense minister and national security adviser, was Chairwoman of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party's General Council and currently is a member of the National Diet. read more

AUG 28, 2014 8
Ending East Asia’s History Wars

TOKYO – Georges Clemenceau, who, as France’s prime minister, led his country to victory in World War I, famously said that “war is too important to be left to the generals.” Japan is now discovering that history is too important to be left to newspaper editors.

In the 1990s, the newspaper Asahi Shimbun caused a firestorm at home and in South Korea by publishing a series of articles, based upon testimony by the former Japanese soldier Seiji Yoshida, on “comfort women” – Koreans forced to provide sexual services to the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II. Asahi has now admitted that the soldier’s confessions were unfounded, and has disavowed the core supporting evidence for the articles.

That retraction appears to be causing as much embarrassment – and diplomatic vitriol – in Japan and South Korea today as the original series did. But, at a time when both countries cannot afford to permit partisan or sloppy abuses of history to roil their bilateral relations, Asahi’s careless work has turned out to be more than abysmal journalism; it has introduced a dangerous element into regional diplomacy.

Some say that Japan and South Korea should follow the example set by France and Germany. Reconciling in the first two decades following the Nazi Occupation of France, these countries’ leaders understood that their security and economic ties were far too important to their citizens’ wellbeing to allow the old hatreds to fester. They knew that the unimaginable violence of WWII was a direct result of the antagonisms that had festered since the Napoleonic Wars and that were allowed to persist after 1918.

In Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, France and Germany had two of the twentieth century’s greatest statesmen, leaders who were able to discern the broad sweep of history through the fog of quotidian politics. Their loyalty was not only to the citizens who elected them, but also to the generations of the past that had endured the consequences of Franco-German enmity, and to generations yet to come, which would benefit from reconciliation.

Of course, given that Japan and Korea have not fought a series of wars against each other, their relationship is not the same as that between Germany and France. But it is clear that no one will benefit from a new round of heated historical debate. To avoid this, political leaders like de Gaulle and Adenauer are needed. Only when we can discuss the past without endangering the future will the countries of Northeast Asia be able to establish a truly durable structure of peace.

As Admiral Dennis C. Blair, a former commander of the US Pacific Fleet, stated at a recent conference, “The history of Asia from the 1930s to about 1955 or so was not pretty in any way….I don’t think any country can have a monopoly on righteousness, or on guilt and shame” for that time. Blair added that “the attempt to hold a ‘we were right’ and ‘you were wrong’ sweepstakes is not going to help our children and grandchildren understand what happened there.”

Japan and South Korea need to take responsibility for the future, not obsess about the past. A recent Japanese government white paper called South Korea the country “that shares the closest relationship with Japan historically and in areas such as economy and culture.” No doubt, many, if not most, South Korean foreign-policy experts and strategists share that sentiment. But it will take committed leadership to transcend the history wars and tap the full potential of Japanese-Korean cooperation, something that both countries’ key ally, the United States, strongly desires, as it seeks to draw China into a lasting and peaceful Asian order.

For too long, intemperate historical debates – often driven by biased newspaper accounts – have poisoned bilateral relations. Now, as another war of words heats up, Japanese and South Korean leaders need to step back, recognize where the real interests of their people lie, both today and in the future, and calmly begin to take the measures required to ensure durable reconciliation.

Read more at http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/yuriko-koike-urges-japanese-and-south-korean-leaders-to-emulate-france-and-germany#WxZIMWib5E9ytYr5.99






[ リスト ]
. <日本を貶めて喜ぶ反日日本人のルーツ

朝日の慰安婦虚報 日本糾弾の発信役に
2014/8/18(月) 午前 7:27














 しかし朝日新聞は公器としての責任をとろうとはしない。虚報や誤報の自認や取り消しをしながら、論点をそらせ“慰安婦問題の本質 直視を”と逃げている。被害者側としては“朝日問題の本質 直視を”と訴えたい。」



ASAHI SHIMBUN Falso relatório do jornal

● 5. que colocou um artigo (38) que exigiu desculpa e uma correção de editor e mim para o relatório que a esperança de difusão urgente. Asahi Shimbun (o agosto edição matutina) foi colocado em assunto de inspeção de senhora de caridade, correção, artigo de cancelamento e magajine "SAPIO"
■ The hot summer when it depended on waiting came over. The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the issue of charity dame was the great false report of the century. The Asahi Shimbun has not yet apologized to the nation by this article in spite of it either.
As for the false report of the charity dame problem that the Asahi Shimbun reported for these more than 20 years, several hundred times of the STAP cell diminished the national nation and must begin what at first the Asahi Shimbun performs because the person in charge who included the reporter who wrote the article of the charity dame problem in the 1990s and the alumnus of a section related to kneels on the ground in knee soul to gravel of Yasukuni shrine.
Because it was in a situation that I can restore reputation of our country at a stroke in cooperation with awoken Internet users, this article prays for what is scattered by the nation that there is good sense of the whole country eagerly.
The Asahi Shimbun (the August 5 morning edition) placed inspection and a correction, features about the issue of charity dame "answered the question of the reader how you conveyed the issue of charity dame" and the cancellation of the article. If "the testimony that Yoshida took a charity dame to in Jeju Island is false, judge it, and cancel an article", "the document which the militaries took like kidnapping systematically is not found" in that; canceled it with the correction of an article past totally, "the girl volunteer corps pointed to "the girl work volunteer corps" which mobilized a woman in the munitions factories under the wartime, and was different from a charity dame at all". It is disqualification as the mass media to have taken more than 20 years until this inspection. If it is the proper media, it is the usual way to cancel a correction and the article within one month after having a mistake pointed out by an expert. I reflect on the Asahi Shimbun not making the body of the newspaper publisher deeply, and it is necessary I cease to publish it once, and to come again.
Still, the severest "weekly new tide" which it criticized does final proofreading for the Asahi Shimbun, and it is the timing when it does not think accidentally by chance to have placed an inspection article on Tuesday on the next day when I entered in Bon vacation that it is temporizing. I resemble closely with an entertainer setting an inconvenient press conference at the end of the year New Year holidays ago and am laughable.
■ Para um artigo de senhora de caridade do Asahi Shimbun convencional, como para o assunto de. a senhora de caridade", crítica infundada para ser uma falsificação do Asahi Shimbun está com um apóie hoje. que melhora … É quando luz tinha começado a ser o assunto de. senhora de caridade que eu defendo, e um artigo de inspeção começa. e para. onde eu assumi uma atitude desafiante, e o estudo não prosseguiu pelo artigo passado nos cedo 90s The Asahi Shimbun does not seem to be able to yet understand that I am in the edge of a precipice.
The Asahi Shimbun does an excuse to cause an amateur group and misunderstanding not a professional group, there is it with "making that it is not a fact like a fact with Koujien by "a forgery", and saying", and is it not the "charity dame article" thing that the conventional Asahi Shimbun reported? Will talk about it to be a bad loser.

ASAHI SHIMBUN false report

● 5. lequel a placé un article (38) qui a demandé des excuses et une correction d'un éditeur et moi pour le rapport qui l'espoir de la diffusion urgent. Asahi Shimbun (l'édition du matin de l'août) a été placé dans la question d'inspection de la femme de la charité, correction, article de l'annulation et magajine "SAPIO"
■ The hot summer when it depended on waiting came over. The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the issue of charity dame was the great false report of the century. The Asahi Shimbun has not yet apologized to the nation by this article in spite of it either.
As for the false report of the charity dame problem that the Asahi Shimbun reported for these more than 20 years, several hundred times of the STAP cell diminished the national nation and must begin what at first the Asahi Shimbun performs because the person in charge who included the reporter who wrote the article of the charity dame problem in the 1990s and the alumnus of a section related to kneels on the ground in knee soul to gravel of Yasukuni shrine.
Because it was in a situation that I can restore reputation of our country at a stroke in cooperation with awoken Internet users, this article prays for what is scattered by the nation that there is good sense of the whole country eagerly.
The Asahi Shimbun (the August 5 morning edition) placed inspection and a correction, features about the issue of charity dame "answered the question of the reader how you conveyed the issue of charity dame" and the cancellation of the article. If "the testimony that Yoshida took a charity dame to in Jeju Island is false, judge it, and cancel an article", "the document which the militaries took like kidnapping systematically is not found" in that; canceled it with the correction of an article past totally, "the girl volunteer corps pointed to "the girl work volunteer corps" which mobilized a woman in the munitions factories under the wartime, and was different from a charity dame at all". It is disqualification as the mass media to have taken more than 20 years until this inspection. If it is the proper media, it is the usual way to cancel a correction and the article within one month after having a mistake pointed out by an expert. I reflect on the Asahi Shimbun not making the body of the newspaper publisher deeply, and it is necessary I cease to publish it once, and to come again.
Still, the severest "weekly new tide" which it criticized does final proofreading for the Asahi Shimbun, and it is the timing when it does not think accidentally by chance to have placed an inspection article on Tuesday on the next day when I entered in Bon vacation that it is temporizing. I resemble closely with an entertainer setting an inconvenient press conference at the end of the year New Year holidays ago and am laughable.
■ Pour un article de la femme de la charité de l'Asahi Shimbun conventionnel, comme pour la question de. "femme de la charité, la critique sans fondement être un faux de l'Asahi Shimbun est avec un côté aujourd'hui. lequel améliore … C'est lorsque la lumière avait commencé à être la question de. femme de la charité que je défends, et un article de l'inspection commence. et pour. où j'ai assumé une attitude provocante, et l'étude n'est pas entrée devant à travers l'article passé dans le début des années 90s The Asahi Shimbun does not seem to be able to yet understand that I am in the edge of a precipice.
The Asahi Shimbun does an excuse to cause an amateur group and misunderstanding not a professional group, there is it with "making that it is not a fact like a fact with Koujien by "a forgery", and saying", and is it not the "charity dame article" thing that the conventional Asahi Shimbun reported? Will talk about it to be a bad loser.


ASAHI SIMBUN false report

CommentsAdd Star where I recognized the past article of the 2014-08-07 Asahi Shimbun "issue of charity dame" as a false report
(the morning edition dated August 5, 2014)
The anti-Japan mark charity dame that the Asahi Shimbun reported it from 1982
I canceled it in acknowledgment of the error of the problem article totally.
Of the Masanori Mizuma effort that was worked on in this problem while it was long
In taking up crystallization here, and telling all of you widely
I did it. (whole sentence publication)

● 》 which placed an article (38) that demanded apology and a correction from an editor and me for the report that the urgent diffusion hope 《 Asahi Shimbun (the August 5 morning edition) was placed in issue of charity dame inspection, correction, cancellation article and magajine"SAPIO"
■ The hot summer when it depended on waiting came over. The Asahi Shimbun admitted that the issue of charity dame was the great false report of the century. The Asahi Shimbun has not yet apologized to the nation by this article in spite of it either.
As for the false report of the charity dame problem that the Asahi Shimbun reported for these more than 20 years, several hundred times of the STAP cell diminished the national nation and must begin what at first the Asahi Shimbun performs because the person in charge who included the reporter who wrote the article of the charity dame problem in the 1990s and the alumnus of a section related to kneels on the ground in knee soul to gravel of Yasukuni shrine.
Because it was in a situation that I can restore reputation of our country at a stroke in cooperation with awoken Internet users, this article prays for what is scattered by the nation that there is good sense of the whole country eagerly.
The Asahi Shimbun (the August 5 morning edition) placed inspection and a correction, features about the issue of charity dame "answered the question of the reader how you conveyed the issue of charity dame" and the cancellation of the article. If "the testimony that Yoshida took a charity dame to in Jeju Island is false, judge it, and cancel an article", "the document which the militaries took like kidnapping systematically is not found" in that; canceled it with the correction of an article past totally, "the girl volunteer corps pointed to "the girl work volunteer corps" which mobilized a woman in the munitions factories under the wartime, and was different from a charity dame at all". It is disqualification as the mass media to have taken more than 20 years until this inspection. If it is the proper media, it is the usual way to cancel a correction and the article within one month after having a mistake pointed out by an expert. I reflect on the Asahi Shimbun not making the body of the newspaper publisher deeply, and it is necessary I cease to publish it once, and to come again.
Still, the severest "weekly new tide" which it criticized does final proofreading for the Asahi Shimbun, and it is the timing when it does not think accidentally by chance to have placed an inspection article on Tuesday on the next day when I entered in Bon vacation that it is temporizing. I resemble closely with an entertainer setting an inconvenient press conference at the end of the year New Year holidays ago and am laughable.
■ For a charity dame article of the conventional Asahi Shimbun, as for the issue of 〈" charity dame, groundless criticism to be a forgery of the Asahi Shimbun is up with one side today. … 〉 and .〉 where I assumed a defiant attitude, and the study did not go ahead through the past article in the early 90s when light had begun to be the issue of 〈 charity dame I defend , and an inspection article starts. The Asahi Shimbun does not seem to be able to yet understand that I am in the edge of a precipice.
The Asahi Shimbun does an excuse to cause an amateur group and misunderstanding not a professional group, there is it with "making that it is not a fact like a fact with Koujien by "a forgery", and saying", and is it not the "charity dame article" thing that the conventional Asahi Shimbun reported? Will talk about it to be a bad loser.
■ A note of protest "places a quotation article in the article of distortion "》" the head office in Asahi Shimbun (38 August 5 morning editions) 《 SAPIO.
I protested journalist Masanori Mizuma and others of SAPIO editor and the writer saying that I distorted the content such as the Asahi Shimbun Korea versions which I quoted intentionally and it was remarkable and injured honor and trust of Asahi Shimbun and sent a document to demand to place apology and the article of the correction to ,〈 article for a report of the me of "SAPIO" where consistency did not match this inspection article in the Asahi Shimbun … 〉 or the article that I quoted were contents to introduce the kisang (kisang) of the 〈 Korea tradition to, and there were not the word "charity dame" and the description about the charity dame. However, it is a folly to deserve so that ten thousand die that I ignore my own faults about the study order that and "the historic process that I found my way to from a kisang for high pay becomes clear as for most of battlefield charity dames by reading an article of the morning sun" 〉 and Asahi Shimbun which I described took up as a witness of the charity dame on a large scale not having reported a thing from kisang school until this inspection article, and slander slanders me in "the contents which it is remarkable, and damage our honor and trust with distorting a quotation article intentionally, and there not being the confirmation coverage to us" and 〉 and the space doing it in the ,〈 Asahi Shimbun public relations department.
Though the social conditions of the then Korean Peninsula know it very clearly when I read through the Korea version Asahi Shimbun the Asahi Shimbun from 1915 to 1945, for more than 20 years, "a study did not advance" until now, and do not escape. It is a groundless margin to fool the nation. Though the Asahi Shimbun employed several parttimers and only let you check the Asahi Shimbun for Korea for several months and I abducted a woman in the Korean Peninsula and kidnapped you, and Manchurian and the South Seas area knew that the criminal who sold it off was an all Korean as a prostitute, me might ignore publishing it serially in "SAPIO". The reporter of the young society region which answered it which was produced with the thanks expected a little in the future Asahi Shimbun when "you might do it more" when you asked two reporters it for a reporter when you were interviewed for the article "agitation society" special feature first of the Asahi Shimbun of April 29, 2010 when "not bad though I published the report which just criticized the Asahi Shimbun in SAPIO serially" by having been. Because I met it whether , the reporter whom "it is sudden, and me did in ・・・ movement topic in the section that the reporter cannot write the article at the age of the timing when I go to the Asahi Shimbun head office and have provided the document of the scoop, and it is possible for article" "are before it for half a year", I met it "only with more in front of that there was recently", but because it is a dream come true, and an inarticulate thing appeared by an inspection article at this time a lot if the Asahi Shimbun faces the all-out war, I demanded what "I have the committee come to the Asahi Shimbun, and Representative Nariaki Nakayama inspects it" in House of Representatives Committee on the Budget on March 8, last year and does from a chairperson, but want you to realize it by all means in an extraordinary session of the Diet then. I have you invite the me as a witness and hope that I can testify that the Asahi Shimbun does not make the body as the newspaper publisher eagerly then. By the way, triggered by the document which me offered, there was "the possibility that was able to prevent the first Fukushima nuclear plant accident" when an investigation article of TEPCO was placed thoroughly. It is a place to wish that I can have a quarrel with the Asahi Shimbun by all means in the Diet eagerly.
If sincere inspected the Asahi Shimbun for Korea, the Asahi Shimbun could understand the actual situation of the Korean Peninsula, and there would be the correction of the great false report earlier. For these more than 20 years, what slander slandered not thanking the me who worked who I checked an article for Korea which the Asahi Shimbun should run steadily for several years, and regained honor and the pride of the national nation in the space would originally fool many nations that a book of the me was had in its hand and was awoken.
※ Journalist Masanori Mizuma, Only as for the Internet, it is reproduction-free 〈 condition, whole sentence publication 〉 http://mizumajyoukou.blog57.fc2.com/



( 2014年8月5日付朝刊 )           



朝日新聞(8月5日朝刊)は、慰安婦問題についての特集記事「慰安婦問題どう伝えたか 読者の疑問に答えます」との検証と訂正及び記事の取り消しを掲載しました。その中で「軍などが組織的に人さらいのように連行した資料は見つかっていません」とか「吉田氏が済州島慰安婦を強制連行したとする証言は虚偽だと判断し、記事を取り消します」「女子挺身隊は、戦時下で女性を軍需工場などに動員した『女子勤労挺身隊』を指し、慰安婦とはまったく別です」などと、全面的に過去の記事の訂正と取り消しをしました。この検証まで20年余もかかったことは、マスメディアとして失格です。まともなメディアであれば、専門家に間違いを指摘されてから1ヶ月以内に訂正や記事の取り消しをするのが常道です。朝日新聞は新聞社の体をなしてないことを深く反省し、一度廃刊して出直すことが必要です。


※『朝日新聞が報道した「日韓併合」の真実 韓国が主張する「七奪」は日本の「七恩」だった』(徳間書店刊)と『ひと目でわかる日韓・日中歴史の真実』(PHP研究所刊)は、朝鮮版朝日新聞の記事で慰安婦問題の虚構を実証してありますので、良識ある国民に検証して戴けることを切に願っております。
※ジャーナリスト水間政憲;インターネットだけ転載フリー〈条件・全文掲載〉 http://mizumajyoukou.blog57.fc2.com/


2014年7月18日 最高裁判決。




